최유경 (Yukyung Choi)
School of Intelligent Mechatronics Engineering, Sejong University, Republic of Korea
E-mail: / Github / Google Scholar
Employment History
Associate Professor
2024.03 ~ Current: Department of AI Robotics, Sejong University
2022.09 ~ 2024.02: School of Intelligent Mechatronics Engineering, Sejong University
Assistant Professor
2021.03 - 2022.08: Department of Artificial Intelligence, Sejong University
2018.09 - 2022.08: School of Intelligent Mechatronics Engineering, Sejong University
2017.09 - 2018.08: Search & Clova Vision Team, NAVER
2017.03 - 2017.08: DMC R&D Center, Samsung Electronics
2008.03 - 2010.01: Center for Intelligent Robotics, KIST
PhD 2010.02 - 2018.02: Electrical Engineering / Robotics Program (Computer Vision), KAIST.
MS 2006.03 - 2008.02: School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Computer Vision), Yonsei University.
BS 2001.03 - 2006.02: School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University.
Academic & Professional Activities
Program Committee
Organized Session Chairs, Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC), 2023
Organized Session Chairs, International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 2019
International Conference
- IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
- International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
- The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
- Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
- International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
- Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)
- IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)
International Journal
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
- Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL)
- Aejiheon Award for Excellence in Research (애지헌상)
- Samsung HumanTech Paper Award (Gold Prize)
Samsung Electronics Corp., Feb. 2017- Deep Learning Contest (Gold Prize) [Press]
NVidia Korea Corp., Oct. 2016Press
- Young Robotic Engineer [EN][KR]