About RCV

Our Goal

Toward Next Generation of Vision Technology

Our Topics

We are interested in computer vision and machine learning, with a focus on multimodal learning, visual perception, and 3D scene understanding for autonomous intelligent systems such as self-driving cars or household robots. In particular, we investigate how natural prior knowledge can be incorporated into algorithms to make them robust to variations in the real world.

Our Team

Our team pursues Psychological Safety because Psychological Safety calls for open communication & empathy.  

"What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team" in New York Times.

Our Culture

Sejong RCV Lab is working to establish the corporate culture of unicorn companies as a research culture within the university. The goal is “Let’s create a research lab where all members can happily conduct research.”  The video below explains the corporate Toss culture that we want to follow. Those interested in establishing a research culture within the university with our team are always welcome.