About RCV

Our Goal

Toward Next Generation of Vision Technology

Our Topics

We are interested in computer vision and machine learning with a focus on multi-modal learning, visual perception, 3D scene understanding for autonomous intelligent systems such as self-driving cars or household robots. In particular, we investigate how natural prior knowledge can be incorporated into algorithms for making them robust to variations in our real world.

Our Team

Our team pursuits the Psychological Safety, because Psychological Safety calls for open communication & empathy.

*"What Google Learned Form Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team" in New York Times ( English ), in T-Times ( Korean )

Contact us

Address Room #601(Professor), #632(Researcher), AI Center, Sejong University,

209, Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006, Republic of Korea

Phone +82-2-6935-2671

Fax +82-2-6935-2671